
Loyalty Sets You Apart

“In order to better serve you, our loyal customer, we’re making it even more difficult for you to redeem your hard-earned points for air travel.”  The email didn’t use those words, but that was the bottom line. In the past few months many of my loyalty programs – airlines, hotels, local stores – have changed […]

Leadership Productivity

Eating Digital Meat

Read through the Bible, cover to cover, at least once every two years. That was some of the best advice I received from a mentor during my first year of ministry. This week I hit the halfway mark on my 14th pass through the Bible, and I’m enjoying a fresh twist.
This year I committed to eat 100% digital meat.

Culture Leadership

4 Cultural Shifts Affecting You Now

Recently a friend asked me this question: What are 3-5 forces or key variables that will affect the growth of our ministry? After pondering his question for several days, I responded with these four cultural shifts that are affecting you and me right now. 1. Cultural shifts that reflect an underlying and often inexplicit post-modern worldview. […]