Leadership Productivity

What Would Jethro See In Me?

Hey friends, it’s that Blogference time of year again. What other conference offers so much value with no cost, bad coffee or jet lag? Drop by this week to expose yourself to fresh ideas by a variety of Christian thinkers. Topics include: Evangelistic Engagement, Moms/Women in Ministry, Books, Social Media, Leadership Development and more. Engage […]

Culture Leadership

Issachar Time Video: Are You Ready?

This week’s Issachar time produced the following video on Social Networking’s impact on organizations. Enjoy, and have a great weekend. httpv:// A leader’s job is to think. What do you do with all the links, attachments, articles and book recommendations you receive from colleagues on a weekly, if not daily, basis? Stopping to read them […]


Innovation, Hipmunk, and You

Innovation is one of our biz culture’s buzzwords today, but is it overrated? More accurately, is our typical understanding of the term leading us astray? Innovation simply means the bringing of something new. Sometimes that something new is a killer app or product. More often, meaningful innovation occurs when we eliminate unnecessary steps in a […]