If you haven’t yet seen this powerful 10-minute video, I encourage you to check it out. YouTube – Watch it. WillowCreek Resources – Buy it.
Category: Leadership
Too Busy to Lead?
A seminary professor of mine regularly warned us about the “barrenness of busyness.” Now that 2008 is nearly wrapped up, I’m wondering how much of the bad news was related to the busyness of leaders. Good leaders always seem to have one eye on the vision and another eye below the waterline. They pay attention […]
7-Year Old Ben Gets It
Two weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking to over 4,000 Texas A&M Aggies at the Go! Missions Conference in College Station. I’m still amazed that roughly 10% of the student population would brave rainy weather to worship with Charlie Hall and be invited to join God’s great plan for every tribe, tongue, people […]