Leadership Productivity

What’s Your Failure Tolerance?

Success, said Thomas Alva Edison, is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. This week at MinistryNet 2011 in Bangkok is making me more aware of this axiom. Yesterday nearly 200 participants broke into workgroups of 5-8 people. Each group was tasked with working a specific problem from an innovation or collaboration angle. It’s not easy. I […]


Guest post: Bring it!

Guest blogger Andrea Buczynski is a teammate, friend, and VP of Leadership Development and Human Resources for CCCi. I invited her to share a recent ‘aha’ in her own leadership development. When I was growing up as a young leader, it was common to look to the leaders above you for answers, resources, and different […]

Leadership Productivity

Tools Can Make the Difference

The longer I live the more I appreciate the value of having the right tool for the job at hand. This morning Omar is tiling our master bathroom. In less than 90 minutes he removed our old toilet, stripped off two ancient layers of linoleum, pulled up all the baseboards and cleared away all the […]