
Four Powerful Words

OK, now that we’ve explored the implications of digital screens, I want to reflect on some profound analog concepts. Freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, sacrifice, loyalty, honor and unity come to mind. Last week our family used spring break to visit Washington D.C., our nation’s capitol. During our decade overseas, we visited many of the great […]

Culture Students

Communication: “Where’s My Screen?”

“Where’s my screen?” blurted the middle-aged woman next to me while we waited for the Indiana Jones show to begin at Disney World. Her rummaging instantly produced a sleek iPhone. We still had 10 more minutes to blow, why not get a little bit of work done while waiting? Over-35’s value smartphones as a means […]


Self-Leadership in Personal Finance

The United States economy, as everyone well knows, is experiencing a correction. They say when Wall Street sneezes other markets catch cold. Google advertising has gone flat (still strong, but not growing, which sent the stock value plunging $250 per share) and people are charging less to their credit cards. Some see this as a […]