
Communication means Loving Well

One of my core convictions is that Leading well is Loving well. Leaders end up communicating a lot: 1-on-1 and large groups, written and spoken, blogs and Facebook, texts and phone calls, formal and informal, face-to-face and over distance, planned and spontaneous. Yep, if you’ve got a burning vision you’re going to find an audience […]

Leadership Movements

Great Commission: Some Uncomfortable Truths

The church has made great progress in missions in the past century. Consider the last 25 years. I vividly remember being challenged as a college student to pray for, give toward or go to the USSR, Albania, Romania and China. At the time these four countries represented some of the most difficult, thorny, rock-hard fields […]

Books & Quotes

Leaders Still Need To Do Stuff – Part 2

Sitting in a meeting this week, my good friend Chip observed: “Every grand vision eventually degenerates into real work.”