
A Fresh Dose of Humility

Ann and I recently celebrated two major milestones – 25 years of marriage and a newly emptied nest – by taking a week on the Greek island of Kos. It was so awesome that I think we’re going to start taking silver anniversary trips every year. You can view a few pix here. It costs […]


Should Christians Burn A Koran on 9/11?

Until about a week ago this question had never crossed my mind. My son Travis brought this issue to my attention. He’s in his third year at the University of Florida in Gainesville. This is the same Gainesville where a local pastor of a very small church has garnered worldwide attention by staging a Koran […]


Three Movement Links to Inspire You

Why movements?

Because Jesus working through a team of like-hearted followers to win, build and send new generations of Christ-centered multiplying disciples is THE way that The Way told us to get the job done.

Here are three links to get your creative movement juices flowing…