
Going the Distance

By just about any measure, the Apostle Paul’s commitment to go to whatever lengths were necessary to bring the gospel to those who had not heard was remarkable. Roland Allen, Anglican missionary to North Africa and China, explains: “In little more than ten years St Paul established the Church in four provinces of the [Roman] […]


Similarities in Leadership of Jesus and Paul – Part 3

Over the last few posts, we have been looking at ways that Jesus and Paul exhibited core aspects of servant leadership. We have looked briefly at Scriptural examples showing that Jesus and Paul both had a clear sense of calling, kept an intimate relationship with God, empowered others, and acted with love, humility, and zeal. […]


Similarities in Leadership of Jesus and Paul – Part 2

As servant leaders with a clear calling and vision for God’s glory to be spread to all nations, both Jesus and Paul exhibited core aspects of servant leadership. Recently, we looked at the first three similarities in their lives and ministries: calling, intimacy with God, and love.  Today we continue with three more. Humility The […]