Leadership Productivity

Act Now!

This paper is not going to write itself. October arrived four days ago. With a November 1 deadline looming for the first three chapters of my 150-page dissertation, I reached the sobering conclusion that: This paper is not going to write itself. For the next few weeks (27 days to be exact) my early mornings, […]

Leadership Productivity Teamwork

How to Improve Any Virtual Team Meeting

This fourth post in our series on Distance Leadership comes from my good friend Erik Butz, VP of Global Operations for Cru. How to Improve Any Virtual Team Meeting We all know that running an effective meeting is tough, even with a group from the same culture that is sitting in the same room. But […]

Leadership Productivity Teamwork

Do you trust me?

This is the third post in a series on Distance/Virtual Leadership. Read the first two posts here and here. “Can I trust you?” It’s a question that rumbles around inside our minds each time we as leaders are faced with a conflict or a fresh opportunity. But how often do we ask ourselves, “Can you trust me?” […]