Howdy from Austin, Texas. This is God’s country. Last night I enjoyed some fantastic enchiladas at Trudy’s Texas Star Cafe with my old friend John Hand. Hard to believe we pledged a fraternity here 28 years ago. So much has changed as this classic college town has grown, no, exploded, from about 300,000 residents in […]
Category: Students
Are Today’s Students On Your Radar?
Recently I had the opportunity to meet with some people who are totally serious about fulfilling the Great Commission in the next ten years. Yep, vision flowed. This was a gathering of the Lausanne Strategy Working Group who were preparing for Cape Town 2010, the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization. My friend Paul Eshleman […]
Who can forget the grainy image of one courageous student staring down a column of tanks? Twenty years ago today the Chinese government chose lethal force to deal with a swelling student-led movement in Tiananmen Square. That fateful decision appears to have triggered one of the greatest spiritual awakenings in church history. The exponential growth […]