Leadership Teamwork

Trust: Three Ways to Build It

What’s the number one quality followers look for in leaders or peers they allow to influence them? Trust.* Trust is confidence based on previous experience. Trust is the foundation that must bear the daily load of bumps and bruises in every personal and working relationship. Trust often takes months or even years to build, but […]


Love, Humility, Zeal & Knowledge

Love. Humility. Zeal. Knowledge. These four words provided stepstones for my personal development path in 2009. They came to me during an extended day with the Lord in June, a day when I was asking Jesus what specific areas he wanted me to pursue for the next season of my life. So, over the past […]


What Does It Look Like for a Leader to Love?

Steve, my boss, opened four days of meetings with this question yesterday. When was the last time you heard of a president or CEO breaking the ice like this? The fifteen of us in the room invested an hour discussing acts of loving leadership. These included attentiveness, listening, taking action on what we know is […]