It’s funny how Go-No Go decisions force you to face two facts:
1. We own a lot of worthless junk.
2. We are pilgrims in this world.
We have less than two weeks before our family moves to Orlando, Florida. We’re basically camping out in a very empty apartment that echoes… echoes…. We’re eating off of plastic plates and sleeping on air mattresses.
This feels odd after living here for more than seven years. What was once a home has become merely a shelter.
This transition process has been good for my soul. The memories remind me of God’s lovingkindness in the morning and His faithfulness in the evening. It reminds me that although Ann and I have spent 13 of our 21 years of marriage in Asia, our true citizenship is not here. Nor is it in Texas where I spent the first 30 years of my life. Nor will it be in Orlando. I am a pilgrim.
For me, this process is another chance to grow my heart by embracing divine displacement. Selah.
One reply on “We Are Pilgrims”
that’s sad…that pic of your house looks REALLY empty. Well…jia you!! these last two weeks! I’m praying for you guys!
In Him and Much Luv,