
Leading Change: A Second Look at 2T2.2

Quick, what’s the imperative in 2 Timothy 2:2? If you said multiply, go to the back of the class. The imperative is ENTRUST. To entrust means to take something of value and commit it to another’s charge. Big problems surface when the leadership culture of an organization begins to shift from entrusting to protecting. Fear […]


Speaking Change: Over/Under to Among

Yesterday’s post on Initiation generated some excellent discussion among the comments. Thanks. Here’s an insight from Dave G: Well, who we are seems to be dealing with character. Is humble, servant leadership dealing with character? If so, I am ashamed to say that I so often see circles of leaders as “good ole’ boy” clubs […]


The Leadership Edge: Initiating

She left Ireland to serve Christ in Japan at 26 years old. After 15 months she sailed for Sri Lanka, ultimately ending up in India. While there, Amy became deeply burdened by what she saw. It was 1901 and Amy had just returned from a year of ministry to the villages when she was greeted […]