Books & Quotes Leadership

How Do You Lead Well?

In stark contrast to most daily headlines and the last post concerning How The Mighty Fall, I have two deep convictions. First, every human endeavor stands or falls on leadership. Second, good leadership is possible and accessible to most people who are willing to learn, to serve, and to make decisions that are unpopular. How […]

Books & Quotes Leadership

Book Bite: How The Mighty Fall

“Too big to fail” now adorns the tombstones of once-great companies that have stumbled, fallen and can’t get up. Companies such as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Merrill Lynch and WaMu,  General Motors and AIG. How do the mighty fall? Is decline inevitable? Can it be detected and even avoided? […]


I’m Moving to

I have moved! My blog is now located at I am shifting from Blogspot to WordPress to gain more flexibility in managing my content. I hope that a cleaner interface, Categories and other features will make my content more accessible to you. Please visit the new site and Subscribe (or resubscribe) to RSS or […]