
God Works When We Don’t

Sabbath, noun, a period of rest. For the past 15 years I have enjoyed what I call “distance leadership” roles. Ministering over geographic and cultural distance taps into my gifts and passions. It also demands a lot of travel and emotional energy. In 2002 a number of challenges led to me to begin taking a […]

Leadership Students

4 Great Links to Leading Relevant Change

Howdy from Austin, Texas. This is God’s country. Last night I enjoyed some fantastic enchiladas at Trudy’s Texas Star Cafe with my old friend John Hand. Hard to believe we pledged a fraternity here 28 years ago. So much has changed as this classic college town has grown, no, exploded, from about 300,000 residents in […]


Humility Stinks

Humility stinks. Humility is one of those core virtues that we hate to learn but love to possess. That’s because learning humility is too often, well, humiliating. Last year provided many opportunities for me to grow in humility. A pointed quote from Mark Driscoll helped kick start the process: “When we preach the gospel, we […]