Books & Quotes Culture Leadership Productivity Teamwork

My Thesis: A Paradigm for 21st Century Global Leaders

Do you wake up every day with a calling to lead people you can’t physically see or touch? Do you regularly engage in team or project work with people from other cultures? Do you long for the hype of “leader as omnipotent hero” to give way to a more authentic model of “leader as servant?” […]


On Traveling Well

For the past 15 years, Ann and I have been blessed to serve in distance leadership roles within our global movement. I have traveled about 90 nights per year for the past decade. During this season of our ministry we have raised two children, lived in three countries, and visited every continent except Antarctica. Here […]

Productivity Teamwork

5 Links to Improve Your Virtual Teamwork

Do you increasingly find yourself involved in teams, work groups, projects or task forces that require working with people you don’t see every day? Welcome to the growing world of virtual teaming. Here are five brief posts and to help you contribute your best to your virtual team. 1. Embrace the New Rules of Work […]