Movements Students

Updated: Ministry to Movement (m2M) slides and notes

Here’s an updated link to the Google Docs slides for m2M Antioch Movement presentations.

Movements Students

m2M Antioch Movements Message from CM2007

What happened at Antioch? What movement-building principles can we apply today? I’ve received numerous requests for the audio, slides, handout of this presentation and have posted links on Google Video and Docs. Please use, copy and edit as needed. ken

Culture Students

Communication: “Where’s My Screen?”

“Where’s my screen?” blurted the middle-aged woman next to me while we waited for the Indiana Jones show to begin at Disney World. Her rummaging instantly produced a sleek iPhone. We still had 10 more minutes to blow, why not get a little bit of work done while waiting? Over-35’s value smartphones as a means […]