Leadership Students

First, Change the Paradigms

If things didn’t need to change we wouldn’t need you to lead. We could get by with some excellent management of existing resources. We could keep producing what we produced last year. We could point people to last week’s message (or book, or meeting, or event) and talk about how well things went. All of […]


Prayer for Christlikeness

Father of Jesus, Dawn is here again, but without your light within me no outward light can benefit me; Give me the saving lamp of your Spirit that I may see you, the God of my salvation, the delight of my soul, rejoicing over me in love. I give my heart to your watchful care, for […]

Leadership Teamwork

Leading In The Moment

Yesterday our Digital Strategies team met for our monthly Strategy Day. Strategy days allow us to devote longer sessions of up to two to three hours on a single issue or cluster of problems. We seek to dive deep and pray for wisdom to make one or two decisive calls that ensure we stay on […]