
Three Movement Links to Inspire You

Why movements?

Because Jesus working through a team of like-hearted followers to win, build and send new generations of Christ-centered multiplying disciples is THE way that The Way told us to get the job done.

Here are three links to get your creative movement juices flowing…

Leadership Movements

The Power of Why

Why did you get out of bed today? Seriously. For a paycheck? To keep your job? To avoid boredom? Or perhaps because you were eager to pursue your calling. Because you believe that what you do today might make a difference tomorrow. Because deep down inside you believe you can change the world. Here is […]

Leadership Movements Teamwork

Big Win for a Non: Wikipedia

This should be interesting. Wikimedia (the non-profit foundation that supports Wikipedia) has just announced that it is going to open it up its strategic planning process. In a world where most strategic plans are designed by a few behind closed doors it’s nice to breathe some fresh air. This HBR post explains how Wikipedia will […]