Leadership Students

First, Change the Paradigms

If things didn’t need to change we wouldn’t need you to lead. We could get by with some excellent management of existing resources. We could keep producing what we produced last year. We could point people to last week’s message (or book, or meeting, or event) and talk about how well things went. All of […]

Leadership Movements Students

The Heart of Student-led Movements

Valeree Joy Rillon of Manila, Philippines, constantly radiates joy and inspires others with her passion for life. She serves as a coach with Campus Crusade for Christ. Val explores the heart of student-led movements in this guest post. Someone asked me to answer the question, “How are you adjusting from staff-led to student-led?” And so I came […]

Leadership Movements Students

Video: We Are Student-led

If you find yourself wondering whether today’s students have the vision, character and passion to lead change in this generation, don’t miss this amazing story of God’s grace lived out through 7,000+ students from over 100 campuses across Ethiopia. My friend Tariku Fufa says “this is all about giving purpose and mission to younger leaders.” […]