Leadership Students

First, Change the Paradigms

If things didn’t need to change we wouldn’t need you to lead. We could get by with some excellent management of existing resources. We could keep producing what we produced last year. We could point people to last week’s message (or book, or meeting, or event) and talk about how well things went. All of […]


Overcoming Plateaus

For the past 8 years I’ve been stuck. At least when considering my weight, which has been pegged at a certain number. I’ve tried multiple methods to shake off the extra 7-8 kg around my middle, but little seems to work. Over the years I’ve eliminated sodas, white flour, and most junk food from my […]


What Is A Movement? Part 2

A couple of years ago a friend of mine asked: “If I were to parachute into a city where I could observe a true movement of God on a campus, where would you drop me and what would I see?” We discussed several potential locations in East Asia, then we realized we might be overlooking […]